
Monday, September 19, 2011

Christain Bashing by Bill Maher

I have to admit that I am not real thrilled by the Republican Presidential debates or even the candidates.  Personally, I believe politics is beyond the point of helping America...only a revival of the Holy Spirit can heal our land and until that happens, politics will continue to be a divisive wedge that serves as a distraction in these last days.

With that being said, check out what comedian/pundit Bill Maher said on his HBO special about "Christians".

See video clip here;

Now ask yourself what would happen if Bill Maher had said, "You know what they call people who believe in killing people and denying charity?....Muslims."

He would have never said it because he would have been terrified of having a fatwa put on his the politically correct Hollywood crowd who pride themselves on tolerance would have felt wrong about taking a swipe at the poor minority of Muslims.  But of course he feels perfectly at ease bashing Christians who believe in enforcing the death penalty and allowing personal responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. sad.

    did you see this one...
