
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Push Israel Out of Region

While Americans were busy doing Saturday chores and watching college football...the enemies of Israel were ramping up for some MAJOR plans, plans that include destroying Israel.

TEHRAN (FNA)- The growing power and impacts of Islamic awakening and popular uprisings in the Muslim countries will entail dire consequences for the Zionist regime of Israel, including its further isolation in the region, a prominent Middle-East and African affairs analyst underlined.

Speaking to FNA on the sidelines of the First International Islamic Awakening Conference here in Tehran on Sunday, Binghamton State University Professor Akbar Mohammad noted the anti-Israeli nature of the current popular uprisings in the region, and said people in Egypt and Jordan have very openly and repeatedly voiced their strong opposition to the existence of Israel embassy in their countries.

"The Israeli authorities know that continuation of Islamic awakening will result in their expulsion from Muslim countries," Mohammad stated, and added, "Thus, Israelis are trying to have a stronger presence in the African countries."

Egyptians raided the Israeli embassy in Cairo earlier this month and forced the Israeli ambassador to leave their country.

Less than a week later, Jordanians staged a similar demonstration and intimidated the Israeli diplomats in their country so deeply that the Zionist regime's diplomatic corps in Amman ran away even before the start of the rally in anticipation of the raid.

See it here;

"In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate.  They had been brought out from the nations and now all of them live in safety  You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land."  Ezekiel 38:8-9

Hmmm...."future years" means the "last days"...modern day Israel has recovered from numerous wars since 1948...the Jews had been dispersed all over the world and 2000 years later started coming back following the Holocaust to the mountains of Israel....and the land of Israel had been made desolate by the Muslims living there, not a tree growing in all of Israel...and Iran and many nations are today making plans to storm into Israel and get rid of the Sons of Promise once and for all.

I would say that even a doubting man has to look at this passage and look at the headlines and wonder how amazing it is that some being (believers know Him as God) wrote this passage 2700 years ago and its fulfillment looks like it is getting VERY close.  All we need is for the troops to start advancing on Israel.

Lord, please help to keep our heads straight during this time of deception.  Empower the Holy Spirit within us to finish strong for the glory of Your kingdom.  Amen.


  1. Hi there,

    Article this morning from Fars News

    "Establishment of an Islamic Union by the world Muslim states is the most important prerequisite for creating a justice-centered world,"

    The consolidation continues.



  2. Another conference,

    Larijani: Tehran to host the fifth Conference on Intifada
    Tehran, Sept 19, IRNA -- Iran will host the fifth Conference on Intifada on October 1-2


