
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flashpoint Cyprus?

Turkey has quickly turned into the mid-east strong man and is blustering its way back into power.  Let's remember that the Turkish-Ottoman Empire ruled the world for being in power won't be a new thing for them.

So what could some of the flash points be for a Turkish-Israeli military conflict?  I suppose we could name a handful....but here is the latest one;  Israeli oil finds around Cyprus.

Remember that Cyprus is currently divided with the northern part of the island under Turkish control (no other country in the world believes this is legal) and the southern part of the island under Greek control.

Reuters) - Turkey signed a deal with the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state on Wednesday that will pave the way for offshore gas exploration, in a move set to escalate regional tensions over Mediterranean energy reserves.

On Tuesday, the Greek Cypriot government, which has been at loggerheads with Turkey since its military invasion of north Cyprus in 1974, said drilling had begun in a southeastern offshore block, adjoining a gas field in Israeli waters reputed to be the world's largest find of the past decade.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan described the offshore drilling by Cyprus and Turkey's estranged ally Israel as "madness" before signing the deal with the Turkish Cypriots to clear the path for Turkish exploration off northern Cyprus.

"We had previously brought to the international community's attention in a clear manner ... that if the Greek Cypriots started drilling, we would take a number of concrete steps together with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," Erdogan was quoted as saying by state news agency Anatolian.

"To reflect this commitment, Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus today in New York signed a continental shelf agreement."


Turkey is the only country to recognize the Turkish Cypriot state, while the Greek Cypriot government is internationally recognized and represents the island in the European Union.

Both Cyprus and Greece denounced the agreement as illegal.

"Turkey has committed yet another illegal act by signing an agreement with an illegal entity, such is the pseudo-state, which has been condemned by U.N. resolutions," government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said in a statement.

See it here;

So catch the double standard....Turkey has denounced Israel and led the global charge against her for "occupying" Arab lands and refusing to give them back.  But Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and took the northern half of the island!  No other country in the world recognized that invasion as "legal"....but where is the outcry of the world for Turkey to give up LAND FOR PEACE?....yet the world is coming apart over a few acres of land taken by Israel in a defensive war against its enemies that refuse to acknowledge her right to exist.

Simply more evidence of the supernatural battle taking place over has to be supernatural because it makes no logical sense.

Hat tip to Julie E.

1 comment:

  1. Another article along these lines from a shia perspective. Lebanese - Zionist Maritime Conflict Evolves

    Lebanese - Zionist Maritime Conflict Evolves(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Lebanon stands today in the middle of the dispute over maritime resources, where Lebanese waters contain the largest oil reserves compared to the neighboring countries.


