
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Iran and Russia to Shape "New World Order"

I don't think we need to lay it all out from the beginning again since we have blogged about it so much over the past years,....but Ezekiel 38 says that in the very last days a coalition consisting of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and some North African lesser players, will all come together.

We have been watching this transpire before our very eyes.  Probably the most amazing was Turkey, which turned on Israel over night, and has now become the darling of the Muslim world.

And now we have Iran and Russia getting together to make some interesting plans.

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Saeed Jalili has underscored the significance of Tehran-Moscow relations towards the establishment of a new global order.

Iran and Russia can establish a new world order based on their common positions on international issues and developments, Jalili said in Moscow on Monday, quoted in an IRNA report.

The SNSC secretary, who is in the Russian capital to attend the second international meeting of secretaries of national security councils, added that the world has bypassed the Cold War model and the ensuing unilateralism, which entailed international confrontations with expansionist motives of the West, led by the US.

Jalili made the comments at a state university in Moscow, where he told participating students that a hotbed now exists for transpiration of a
new world order.
The senior Iranian official emphasized that Iran and Russia enjoy similar opportunities and advantages, following the defeat of American unilateralist policies, and now face common threats.

See it here;

What???  How come we never got the memo that American unilateralist policies had been DEFEATED!!

Friends, this is pretty stinking amazing.  You can see how American power is literally falling by the wayside.  Of course we have big planes, big aircraft carriers, big guns and big bombs....but who is going to loan us the money to keep them all polished and ready to go BANG!  Of course these folks have no plans on attacking us....they are just going to sit back and watch us implode and then be ready to move in and fill the power vacuum that will ensue.

But lest you think these players will have the last laugh....please read Ezekiel 38 and see what is coming for these folks when God himself puts hooks in their jaws and drags them out into the staging grounds to attack Israel.  Then the whole world will know that God is in the house!!  What a day that will be!!!

Hat tip to Tom F.

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