
Monday, September 12, 2011

GOP Dragging America Into Civil War

Anyone who has been around for 40 or 50 years can safely say that they can never remember a time when the people of America were so divided.  Many of us can testify that there are now numerous conversations that you simply can't have with family, neighbors or friends...for risk that you discover you are on different sides of the fence and the friendship never feels the same again.

I found this article today just sitting on Google News.  Of course it is written by a liberal journalist, but the fact that he is asking this question raises the division between Republicans and Democrats (and those who support them) to a whole new level.

Apocalyptic GOP Is Dragging Us Into a Civil War

Had a friend send me this article by former Republican staffer Mike Lofgren under the subject line, "Informative reading for tonight's Republican showcase." I'm probably late in seeing it, but Lofgren's piece raises fascinating and terrifying questions about the future of our political system and the increasing possibility that we are headed toward something like a civil war, or a constitutional crisis.

Lofgren, in describing the reasons for his defection from the Republican party, describes a Republican camp that increasingly acts not like a traditional peacetime political organization, but more like an apocalyptic cult or one of the authoritarian movements from early 20th century European history.

In particular, the insane decision to turn the once-routine procedure of raising the debt ceiling (Lofgren notes it was done 87 times since WWII) into a political crisis revealed that the GOP party mainstream had sunk to the level of terrorism – holding our economic system hostage in exchange for political concessions. 

See it here;

The divide is getting deep and wide between those with a lean towards Socialism and those with a lean toward personal responsibility.  But even more telling, the divide is growing deep and wide between those who have a biblical world view and those who believe we descended from apes and have to answer to no one for our choices.

Make no mistake, civil war is coming for America.  The only thing to stop it would be if both sides humbles themselves and prayed to the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob.  What do you think are the odds of that happening? said the same thing that I did...."slim and none".

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