
Monday, September 12, 2011

U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem?

Don't know how many folks know this, but back in 1995 a law was passed in Congress that would require the U.S. embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  This of course would be a powerful message to the the world that USA supports the state of Israel.  But the fine print in the law also gave the power to the standing President of the USA to postpone the implementation of the law for various reasons.

Well that bill has been resurected and is being talked about again...primarily some member in the House want to take away the Presidents right to postpone it any longer.

A bill circulating in the US House of Representatives that would strip the president of his power to waive a law requiring him to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem is gaining traction and bipartisan support amid a groundswell of Christian support for the measure.

The proposal, which comes as the Palestinians prepare to unilaterally seek recognition of an independent state at the United Nations next week, serves to highlight the fruition of faith-based diplomacy at a time of increasing Israeli isolation in the diplomatic arena.

Successive US administrations including presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have repeatedly used the presidential waiver to delay moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in accordance with a 1995 law which authorized the embassy’s relocation but which gave the president the power to postpone its implementation every six months in the interests of national security.

The new legislation, which has 42 co-sponsors in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, including nine Democrats, faces a possible Senate defeat and a certain presidential veto even if it gets to a vote in the House in the coming months as its proponents hope.

But the combination of unprecedented grass-roots Christian support and an election year give the symbolic legislation – which is meant to show Congress’s unequivocal support for the State of Israel – its “best chance ever” of passage in the House, legislators said

See it here;
Did you catch "best chance ever" of passing?  Man!...that would make the Muslims so mad if we started building an embassy in Jerusalem!  Bur really, who cares how mad it would make them?  They already call us the "great Satan" how much worse can it get?

Hat tip to Tom F.

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