
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Israel Reels

The cup of Jerusalem is trembling, there can be no denying that.

Today's headlines are asking the question of how much further Israel could be isolated by the international community and also wondering if Turkey and Egypt could bury their differences to agree on one thing...that Israel needs to be taken down.

TEL AVIV—Israeli leaders are struggling to navigate a Middle East in which its strategic pillar of the last few decades—a three-way axis with U.S.-allied Muslim powers—has crumbled, a day after rescuing its embassy staff from a mob in Cairo.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Sunday to reopen its Egyptian embassy after the staff retreated in the face of violent demonstrations Saturday morning. But the troubles in a second diplomatic mission in a week following a fallout in relations with Turkey underscores Israel's precarious position as ties with its two key regional allies are recast.

Against the backdrop of tense relations with the White House, the shift heightens the stakes for Israel as it braces for a diplomatic onslaught at the United Nations next week. That is when Palestinians plan to mount a statehood bid, raising the possibility of an outbreak of mass protests on Israel's borders.

Some Israeli experts suggested that Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, who is set to visit Cairo on Monday, and Egypt's military rulers could overcome their historic rivalry and cooperate to on further isolating Israel.

See it here;

Did you catch those key words like "isolating Israel" and "mass protests on Israel's borders"?  The people groups that are mentioned in Psalm 83 happen to be the people groups that are currently on Israel's borders.

We can make a pretty educated guess that if the enemies of Israel try and open up a war with her on 4 or 5 different fronts that Israel will not tolerate that.  We would guess that they would decimate the enemy overnight on a 2 or 3 of the fronts and then deal with a full on assault on 1 or 2 fronts.

It really does make one wonder if Isaiah 17 may be close...because if Assad knows his days are numbered in ruling Syria from Damascus...and we know that every major terrorist organization has a headquarters in begins to make the words of Isaiah 17 a real possibility. 

We can tell you something for sure...if we wake up one morning soon and turn on the TV and see that Israel had dropped a tactical nuke on Damascus and made the place a smoldering pot...all of our lives could change very fast.

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