
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Israeli Embassy Gets Sacked in Egypt

I'm not going to lie...this is pretty big news.

Protesters have broken into the building housing Israel's embassy in Egypt's capital, Cairo, entering consular offices, officials said.

Security forces fired tear gas at the protesters who threw stones and petrol bombs at police vehicles. Israel's ambassador has flown out of Egypt.

US President Barack Obama urged Egypt to protect the embassy after Israel asked Washington for help.

Hundreds of protesters remain near the embassy, burning tyres in the street.

Live gun shots have been heard, as riot police try to disperse the demonstrators, says the BBC's Bethany Bell, in Cairo.

The air is still thick with tear gas, our correspondent says.

There have been protests outside the embassy for weeks amid a downturn in Egypt-Israel relations.

An Israeli official in Jerusalem said the attack was a "serious blow to the fabric of peace between Egypt and Israel".

See it here;

Israel continues to grow increasingly isolated and totally surrounded by angry Muslim hordes and militias who desperately want the State of Israel wiped off the map.

Make no mistake...when the middle east erupts this time it's going to be a really big deal.  Could we be weeks away from the start of the war mentioned in Psalm 83?  The Lord is close.


  1. Hey Dennis,

    I have been following events in the middle east on several Persian web sites for the last few years.
    This article is a overview of the positions of leaders and media coverage of the "Gospel of the conquest of Jerusalem"

    The site is in Persian (Farsi). The links on the page detail the positions of various leaders and what is coming.
    They are on the same sheet of music. I will note some key points.

    1. Khomeine 3 decades ago announced the conquest of Jerusalem and Israel's destruction.

    2. The middle east is now waiting for the big event.

    3. Israel is the starting point on the list for the final victory of Islam.

    4. Palestine will be free and liberated and the Palestinian people and the Palestinian state will be formed.

    5. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah "Our Generation will witness the liberation of "Jerusalem" (Qods)

    6. Israel will be eradicated.

    7. The great promise of Allah and victory is near.

    8. We are waiting for an excuse to Liberate Jerusalem.

    It goes on and on...

    They may just mean what they are saying...



  2. Hey Dennis,

    Another article for your blog.

    Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Shia Duty is to Introduce the Ruling System of Imam Mahdi (a.s) Throughout the World.

    Note to self: this Islamic Shia final savior of the world will deny Jesus as lord and savior, rule from liberated Jerusalem, and conquer the world for Islam.

    The trumpet is about to sound, its at the door, those that are ready will go in, those that are not he will say depart from me I never knew you. "Luke 13"

    Ready or not, Jesus is coming.


