
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Iran, Russia and Turkey Reach Agreement

More Ezekiel 38 foreshadowing as the union builds and the ties strengthen between these last days players.

Iran to export electricity in cooperation with Russia and Turkey

TEHRAN. - Iran reached an agreement with Russia and Turkey on construction of modern power plants and electricity export to other countries, said Iranian Minister of Energy Majid Namdz.

Ankara would import the produced electricity and transfer it to third countries, reports FarsNews.

Meanwhile Moscow and Tehran came to another agreement on energy export during the visit of Russian Minister of Energy Sergey Shmatko to Iran. Russian Minister attended the opening ceremony of Iran’s first nuclear plant Bushehr on September 12.

Here it is:

So now the unholy alliance is "cooperating" with each other, next they will be defending each other and finally they will all get an idea that Israel needs to be destroyed and her wealth taken...and then they will plan an offensive together.

Can you see where this is going?

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