
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is Putin Gog of Magog?

The breaking news from Russia that Putin will seek the presidency in 2012 really doesn't surprise anyone.  He stepped down for a few years and handpicked a replacement (Medeved) to appease the Russian constitution but now is eligible to run again.

Vladimir Putin said Saturday he'll run for Russia's presidency next year, almost certainly ensuring he'll retake the office and foreshadowing years more of a strongman rule that many in the West have called a retreat from democracy. The announcement sets up the possibility that he could rule Russia until 2024.

In nominating Putin on Saturday, his United Russia party also approved his proposal that President Dmitry Medvedev take over Putin's current role as prime minister. Putin took over the premiership after serving as president from 2000-2008, bowing to term limits. But he was always the more powerful figure, with Medvedev viewed as a caretaker president.

During his presidency, Putin ruled Russia with a steely command, bringing about a system known as "managed democracy" that saw opposition politicians all but eliminated from the national eye. His personal popularity aided his maneuvering. Many Russians view Putin as the strong, decisive figure needed by a sprawling country troubled by corruption, an Islamist insurgency and massive economic inequality.

See it here;

Jinkies!...he could rule Russia til 2024?!  As the coalition builds with Turkey, Iran, Libya, and other North African players it sure makes one wonder if Putin will be leading Russia during the events mentioned in Ezekiel 38....which if it happens that way means that Putin would be Gog of Magog.

I will bet anybody a dollar that Putin WILL win in 2012.  The guy has a serious ego and seems to enjoy being photographed without his shirt on doing various "macho" things...a trait probably necessary to believe he will one day be able to wipe out God's chosen people and take their stuff.  But of course God has a different plan.

1 comment:

  1. "The adoration of the kings" by Mabuse, former mentor of Van eyck who in turn painted "The Arnolfini wedding". The male figure at the bottom left corner in "The Adoration of the kings" painting by Mabuse is the same male figure in "The Arnolfini Painting", Putin himself. He's lucifer, he's the same Augustus,Napoleon,
    ... he's Mabus, he's satan himself, these to painting identify him, they're the key to solving the riddle of who Mabus is. Awake the people because Augustus has been given life again to destroy and consume, but for a short moment, be aware!
