
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Terrorist Gets Standing Ovation at UN

Mahmoud Abbas spoke at the United Nations and got a standing ovation.  What's more, he accused Israel of ethnic cleansing....meaning he believes that Israel is trying to get rid of all the Arabs on Israeli territory.  What is intensely comical about this statement is that the PLO has repeatedly said that when they get their own state THERE WILL BE NO JEWS OR GAYS ALLOWED.  Their position is so illogical that it must have supernatural roots.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas asked the United Nations on Friday to recognize a state for his people, accusing Israel of engaging in ethnic cleansing in his United Nations speech.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Abbas accused Israel of employing an “ethnic cleansing policy” in Jerusalem.

“Israel issues building permits to settlers so they can build in occupied Jerusalem, while it keeps confiscating lands in eastern Jerusalem and driving away Palestinians from their ancestral lands,” he said in his address.

"Now, after the Arab springs emphasized their desire for liberty, it’s time for a Palestinian spring – the moment of independence,” he said. "I do not believe that anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for a full membership in the United Nations and our admission as an independent state," Abbas told the General Assembly, which gave him a standing ovation.

Here it is;,7340,L-4126571,00.html

Let's remember that Abbas was involved in planning and raising funds for the Munich terrorist raid where Palestinian terrorists kidnapped Israeli athletes and killed them during the Olympic games...and 40 years later he is standing in a suit getting a standing ovation.  You can't make that up!!


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Looks like the Jordanians were listening to the speech.

    Jordanians Urge End to Peace Treaty with Israel

    TEHRAN (FNA)- People in Jordan staged massive anti-government and anti-Israel rallies across the country to voice their strong protest at the Amman government's performance in foreign policy, domestic politics and campaign against corruption and to extend their support for the Palestinian people.



  2. How do you think our president will respond?

    Egypt's Youths Vow to Raid US Embassy if Palestine Bid at UN Vetoed


    How many people today remember when they took over our Embassy in Iran.



  3. Hey Dennis,

    I have been reading the old testament and the foreign news.
    Things are unfolding at an incredible pace now.
    Here are some relevant articles on the formation of relationships for your blog.

    President Ahmadinejad departs NY for Sudan

    President Ahmadinejad meeting with the Iraqi President:
    Foreign forces at the region are the main source of insecurity

    Egypt, Iran discuss resuming diplomatic ties with Egypt after 30 years

    Iran, Lebanon urge greater cooperation

    Erdogan Reiterates Turkey-Iran Cooperation in War on Terrorism
    Note: As is Israel is the greatest Terrorist state in the world...

    Fighting Global Terrorism- the Iranian Way.
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described Zionist regime as the center of world terrorism and oppression against innocent people.


