
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Terrorist Gets Heroes Welcome

Mahmoud Abbas is having a good week.  First he gets a standing ovation at the United Nations and then he goes home to the West Bank and receives a heroes welcome.

In a triumphant return to West Bank Sunday, Mahmoud Abbas declared that the "Palestinian Spring" had been born.
The Palestinian president received a hero's welcome following his historic speech to the U.N. last week.

Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported that Abbas was welcomed by a crowd numbering several thousand people.

Abbas asked the world body on Friday to recognize Palestinian independence, defying appeals from Israel and the United States to return to peace talks.

The speech has transformed Abbas, who widely been viewed as a bland bureaucrat, into a hero.
The 76-year-old leader repeatedly shook and waved his hands to the crowd during his brief speech Sunday.

Abbas said that just as an Arab Spring was transforming the greater Arab world, a Palestinian Spring had begun.

See it here;

Let's review:  Israel has no legal right to give back anything to the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians, but Israel HAS made HUGE concessions in an attempt to have peace.  They withdrew from Gaza as a concession and hadn't been gone but a few days when missiles started coming from Gaza, the Arabs are actually who caused the Palestinian refugee crisis, not Israel and yet the world continues to "pressure" Israel to fix an Arab problem.

Finally, if you do go to the article above, look at the picture of the little boy holding the Palestinian flag.  Of course the world will look at it and say, "Awwww....that's so nice these people are finally going to get a place to call home!"....but lets remember what this little boy learned in public school in Gaza last week; killing Jews is a privilege and dying to Allah as a martyr is the ultimate goal of his life.  Nice!!  And we truly believe these folks are going to live in peace next to a Jewish state that they refuse to acknowledge or even agree it has a right to exist.


  1. An interesting development...

    Latin American countries have called for the abolition of the veto right for the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC)



  2. This is funny,

    They are looking at cutting the Israeli defense forces budget for 2012. "The IDF will collapse", a senior source in the General Staff warned on Sunday night, if the government follows through with plans to cut the planned defense budget for 2012.

    Hey guys, Wake up! this might not be a good time to be right sizing your Armed Forces.

    Hey I am sure that Abbas and his pals is cool with this development.


