
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Israel's Hell has Begun

You can gain quite a bit of insight into what the world is saying about Israel by reading foreign news.  Sadly, we Americans get our news from David Letterman or Jay can never quite figure out why the world doesn't like us.  And since so few Americans read or believe their Bibles, they REALLY can never figure out why the world hates Israel.

The following paragraphs are from a news source that is Pro-Arab/Anti-Israel.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The latest dignity-inspiring reflexes against Israel by the Turkish government and Egyptian protestors is undoubtedly a heartening, good news for hundreds of millions of people around the world who over many decades watched rather helplessly a manifestly criminal Israel torment, humiliate and murder innocent Arabs and Muslims in the tens of thousands.

Indeed, since its misbegotten birth in 1948, Israel has never wasted an opportunity to brutalize and savage ordinary Arabs and Muslims. Israeli forces, who constantly had a qualitative edge over Arab armies combined, thanks to unlimited Western, especially American support, bombed with utter apathy schools, hospitals, homes, apartment buildings and mosques.

In April, 1970, this writer vividly remembers how at least 30 Egyptian school children were mercilessly massacred when American-supplied Israeli warplanes bombarded their Bahr el Baqar primary school in the eastern province of al-Sharqiyya. Israel never apologized for the carnage.

Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese and especially Palestinian civilians were murdered rather callously by Israel for purposes having to do with creating deterrence or as a disproportionate response to legitimate acts of resistance against a manifestly racist, colonialist occupying power.

The matter is very simple. Arabs and Muslims won't forgive Zionist Jews for their genocidal crimes-which never really stopped, just as Jews won't forgive the Nazis for their crimes against Jews in the course of the Second World War. In the final analysis, for most Arabs and Muslims, the Zionists represent the Nazis of our time.

See it here;

"Hello, Israel?  Yes, this is Obama.  Would you please give Jerusalem, the Golan, Gaza and all the West Bank back to the Arabs please?  My team here really believes that the Arabs and all the Muslims will forgive you for all your past mistakes and the world can finally rest in peace.  Could you do that Israel?"

Mr. Obama...are you READING what the Muslims and Arabs are saying?  Have you heard what Ahmadinejad from Iran is telling Ann Curry on the TODAY SHOW?

Sadly the world has been listening to its Father, the devil, and a real delusion is taking place when it comes to the truth surrounding Israel.

The Bible says Israel will be standing alone in the very last days...and it sure appears we are heading that way.


  1. Another one bites the dust...

    Israel evacuates embassy in Jordan ahead of protests the Move comes days after Israeli Embassy in Egypt was ransacked.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Great article from aljazeera today entitled Israel abandoned.

    The article outlines how Israel will stand alone without US support.


