
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Israel Abandoned

Here is the headline from one of the top news services in the world...Al Jazeera.

Israel abandoned 

This is beginning to look like one of the worst periods in Israel's history.
The Turkish government has essentially broken relations with Israel over the Netanyahu government's refusal to apologise for storming the Mavi Marmara relief ship and killing nine Turkish nationals in the process.

Ordinary Egyptians (not the government) attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, forcing all its personnel to return home to Israel. And the Palestinians, having despaired of achieving anything in negotiations with Israel under current conditions. They are taking their case to the United Nations, where an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly will endorse Palestinian statehood, even though Israel will still control the territory of the new state.

Each of these events, standing alone, would be catastrophic for Israel. In combination, however, they create a perfect storm, one whose force can only be kept at bay by the US government which is, however, unwilling to help Israel in an election year.

That sounds counter-intuitive. Politicians always want to give Israel whatever it wants in an election year.
After all, both the Israeli government and its lobby here make it clear to them that refusal to "stand with Israel" will cost them mightily in terms of campaign contributions. (Democrats, who get most of the "pro-Israel" money worry more about this threat than Republicans who tend not to support Israeli policies because they are forced to but because they, like the Israeli right, are instinctively anti-Muslim). 

Israel is in big trouble and it needs allies who will help it prevail over this sea of misfortunes. It doesn't have those allies. The lobby cares not about Israel but about intimidating Congress to do its will and paying the mortgage on its eight story building overlooking the Capitol. Members of Congress just want the money to keep rolling in. And Obama shrinks at the very thought of offending some key donors.

See it here;

Oh my goodness!!  No wonder war is coming!!  The divide between what the Arab street actually believes...and what the truth actually is....has become insurmountable.  There simply is NO CHANCE FOR PEACE during the age of grace that we are in.

Did you catch his comment about Republicans being instinctively anti-Muslim?  I don't think anyone is instinctively anti-Muslim...I believe it is more of learned behavior.  Once you look around the world at the countries that have a majority of Muslims, you begin to see a cesspool of filth, corruption, ignorance and backwardness that is endemic of Islam.  It's at that point that you begin to realize that Islam has nothing to offer mankind because it leads people AWAY from the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

Jesus clearly told us, "You are either for me or against me."  Doesn't sound like much grey area there.

Satan hates Jews because God chose them as His chosen people...end of story.  Christians should not be hating the people who have been deluded by Satanic Islam....but they should be hating any religion which keeps people from the Truth.  So yes, we should all hate the religion of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc...and we should all be fighting to spread the Gospel to those lost people.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here are two videos for your blog. These are chilling.

    Egyptian Author and Journalist Muhammad Abbas: "If You Tell Me that Ten Million Egyptians Will Be Martyred in Return for the Destruction of Israel - I Am All For It"

    Delegation of Sudanese Islamists Visits Gaza, Vows to Wage Jihad against the Jews, ( Sudan is kush.)

    Looking at the news over the last week you can see that if you had a role call all the nations that come against Israel are accounted for.


