
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Porn Company Builds 2012 Bunker

So if you were left behind after the rapture of the church and had to endure 7 years of misery...what would be one thing you would want with you?  According to Visual Pink, Inc., the answer is PORN!!

San Fernando Valley porn purveyors Pink Visual may be the only adult film company equipped to release such a title, as they are planning on “riding out the 2012 apocalypse in style” by building an “enormous underground bunker” in anticipation of the December 21, 2012 apocalypse.

“Our goal is nothing less than to survive the apocalypse to come in comfort and luxury,” Pink Visual spokesman Quentin Boyer told CBS’ Los Angeles affiliate. “Whether that catastrophe takes the form of fireballs flung earthward by an all-seeing deity, extended torrential rainfall, Biblical rapture, an earthquake-driven mega-tsunami, radioactive flesh-eating zombies, or some combination of the above.”

Boyer told the LA Weekly that the X-rated bunker will be filled with “multiple fully-stocked bars, an enormous performing stage, and a sophisticated content production studio.”

With nothing to lose on that fateful night, Boyer suggests that those invited to the bunker may participate in an end of the world orgy. “Inevitably, I suppose, that will happen,” he muses. “It’s hard to say how people would respond to an actual apocalypse.”

Pink Visual’s guest list will be limited 1,500 VIPs said Boyer, adding that “Pink Visual performers, active site members and Twitter followers (will get) priority over the general public.”

Good thing they have over a year to plan for the event, as Boyer admits that they’re “still working on oxygen, that kind of thing.”

Read more:

Did you catch the fact that they included the Biblical rapture as one of possibilities they are preparing for?  What a lost, decadent and perverse society we have created.  You know we must be close to righteous judgment when as a society we spend more money looking at other people having sex than we do on public education.

God created sex as a gift preserved for marriage.  So we should expect nothing less than for this world to send out the message that sex is for everyone at every time with anyone you desire!! strings attached!  And of course that path leads us down the road of destruction.

Hat tip to Kim H.

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