
Friday, September 16, 2011

U.S. Painted Into Corner Over Palestine

The news out of the Middle East that surrounds Israel is coming fast and furious now.  This is the headline at the tippity top of Google News on Friday afternoon;

Abbas Paints U.S. Into a Corner With Palestinian Statehood Demand at U.N.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' daring the United States to veto his people's bid for statehood has put the Obama administration and ally Israel in a corner and has left several lawmakers wondering what U.S. policy on the Middle East is trying to achieve.

Abbas' declaration on Friday that he would pursue statehood at a U.N. Security Council meeting next week was expected -- despite Arab League efforts to encourage the Palestinians to seek observer status in the General Assembly. The move will set up a potential showdown that has been brewing for months and could leave the U.S. with diminished credibility among the Arab world.

It also has the head of the House Intelligence Committee wondering what the U.S. was trying to achieve by not averting the situation in the first place.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said the administration's policy is confused at best since it supports an "Arab Spring," but not a Palestinian awakening while at the same time making Israel even more insecure in a hostile neighborhood that includes former Israeli ally Turkey.

"The Israelis don't know if they think we're our friends right now, but they're not sure," he said "Without any U.S. strength in that whole region, we are as close to a disaster as we can possibly get."

The enemies have gathered.  With one mind they seek the destruction of Israel.  "We are as close to a disaster as we can possibly get," the Congressman from Michigan says.  I would agree.

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