
Friday, September 16, 2011

Turkey Joins Hands With Libya

Just a few months ago many of us wondered how Libya was ever going to join a coalition with Turkey, Russia and Iran that Ezekiel 38 tells us will happen in the Last Days.

And just like that.....the Arab Spring breaks out and spreads to Libya, and now today you have the leader of Turkey standing in Libya joining hands with his Muslim brothers in prayers to Allah.

Few images of Turkey's expanding influence are more powerful than of Mr. Erdogan joining hands with Libya's new leaders for Friday prayers today.

"After we thank God, we thank our friend Mr. Erdogan, and after him all the Turkish people," prayer leader Salem al-Sheikhi told the crowd of several thousand in Tripoli's Martyrs' Square. Erdogan knelt in the front row beside Mustafa Ahmed Jalil, chairman of Libya's National Transitional Council.

"Our hands are clasped with those of the Turkish people," said Mr. Sheikhi. "We will never forget what you did for us."

Erdogan replied in kind afterward, turning the prayer session into a rally where Turkish flags commingled with new revolutionary ones. "Turkey will fight with you until you take all your victory," he said. "You proved to all the world that nothing can stand in the way of what the people want."
Indeed, the Turkish prime minister's "Arab Spring tour" has been a hit as he makes his way across North Africa extolling Turkey as a democratic model for fellow Muslims who have cast off their dictators.

As the elected leader of a thriving Muslim democracy, Erdogan portrays himself as uniquely placed to encourage an orderly transition from autocracy to democracy – one that will rein in the more extremist Muslim groups unleashed by the Arab Spring.

But while Erdogan's message of secular democracy may resonate with the West, the foundations of his growing prestige are worrying to
US leaders. As his Islam-rooted party has increased its influence, Erdogan has taken a tougher stance against Israel, which he accuses of oppressing the Palestinian people and flouting international law.

Some say he risks a breach with the West by antagonizing Israel, but others contend he is offering a type of Muslim leadership that
Europe and the US would do well to heed.

See it here;

The players have gathered, the unions are being made, the destruction of Israel is on the we just need someone to light the fuse and this whole thing could blow up.  Do we have enough oil in our lamps to stay awake and on watch til the Bridegroom comes?

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