
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

No Driving For You Women!!

Women aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia...also no Jews or Bibles are allowed...but let's stay focused on the former.

Its in the headlines today that a woman is going to get 10 lashes with a whip for driving a car.

A Saudi woman was sentenced Tuesday to be lashed 10 times with a whip for defying the kingdom's prohibition on female drivers, the first time a legal punishment has been handed down for a violation of the longtime ban in the ultraconservative Muslim nation.

Normally, police just stop female drivers, question them and let them go after they sign a pledge not to drive again. But dozens of women have continued to take to the roads since June in a campaign to break the taboo.

Making Tuesday's sentence all the more upsetting to activists is that it came just two days after King Abdullah promised to protect women's rights and decreed that women would be allowed to participate in municipal elections in 2015. Abdullah also promised to appoint women to a currently all-male advisory body known as the Shura Council.

The mixed signals highlight the challenge for Abdullah, known as a reformer, in pushing gently for change without antagonizing the powerful clergy and a conservative segment of the population.

See it here;

Where the heck are all the women libbers?  Where is the travesty?  Where is the protests about all these intolerant Muslims who want to keep women in the dark ages?

Oh wait...I know where they are....they're bashing Israel and demanding that the world make another Arab state...called Palestine.

Sounds like a super idea!  What could possibly go wrong?


  1. Hi Dennis,

    This article sums up our "we are friends to everyone and will do nothing to hurt feelings" approach to foreign policy.

    IRNA – IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday night upon return from the 66th UN General Assembly Session,
    “Iranian nation’s positions are presented much bolder today in world and no negative stand is adopted against them.”

    Note to self. If no one stands against them they will continue on the path that they have chosen.



  2. Hey again,

    An interesting clip.

    Taliban Video: 'The Caliphate Will Soon Be Established In Afghanistan As Well As In Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Chechnya And Elsewhere In The Islamic World’

    Yet here in the US media the war on Terrorism is all about bringing Democracy to a repressed people.

    We are clueless.


