
Monday, September 26, 2011

Prophetic Articles Coming Like a Flood

Holy cats!!  I was busy running errands today and didn't have time to sit and read the Wall Street Journal until 11PM tonight...but honestly almost the entire paper has some prophetic significance!!

I will give you some examples starting with the front page.

The top headline is MARKET ROUT CLAIMS NEW VICTIM.  The article is talking about how everything is going down in value...including gold and silver!  "The decline capped gold's worst week since 1983.  Silver was even harder hit, plunging 18% for its largest single-day decline since 1987." and silver will not save you.  Honestly, with all the people on TV saying that gold is a safe are people feeling now that bought gold and silver a few weeks ago now that they lost 18% in a single day?  Does it still feel like you are safe??

The main photo on the front page is of Palestinian President Abbas right alongside Israeli Prime Minister the world is trembling as Jerusalem and the existence of the Israeli state dwelling in security, is brought into question by the entire United Nations assembly.

Page 3 has a picture of Albert Einstein, one of the smartest Jews, as scientists describe a startling new discover that may put our entire scientific foundation into question.  It seems scientists may have just discovered a particle that moves faster than light....and they are hypothesizing that it may be traveling in a 5th dimension.  Hey Luke Skywalker!!....could this be true??

Page 8 has two more articles on Israel-U.S. finances and how they are going to keep Palestine out of bankruptcy and Palestinians seeking statehood....along with a picture of cheering Arabs.

Page 9 has riots erupting in China, Yemen civil war, Putin running for President in 2012 and Pakistan burning American flags claiming they want the U.S. to quit meddling in their terrorist affairs with the Taliban.

Page 10 has this scary headline:  Economic Leaders Warn of "Red Zone"...and of course the red zone is where the whole flipping world melts down because no one has a clue how to fix the financial mess we have created by running up massive debts.

Next there is an article about Greece collapsing and turmoil in Asia.

Page 11 has an article about the civil war brewing in Libya...a named player in the last days battle of Ezekiel 38.

Page 13 has an article about Rick Perry calling social security a Ponzi scheme.

Page 14 has another article about how it is impossible to deal with Pakistan...and they have nuclear warheads already mounted on missiles ready to launch.

And finally page 15 has another article about Israel and how they have offered peace so many times.....only to be scorned by the Arabs.

Whew!!!  And that was only one day!!

Hold on tight because the vote for Palestinian statehood may come on Wednesday...which coincidentally is Rosh Hashana....the Jews most holy day.

I don't know about you, but when the Jews all start blowing their trumpets on the Feast of Trumpets....I kind of hope that all us followers of Jesus Christ also hear a loud trumpet with a loud voice saying, "Come up here!"

Have you told your family and friends about Jesus and his offer of salvation?  Time is running out.


  1. Wow,

    Russian leaders in top positions swap roles?

    The Russian president plans to exchange jobs with the PM but what would put Vladimir Putin's into the role of President?

    Question, How do you just swap jobs?

    Hey we got a new president today. No elections, no discussion.

    Liked your list form the WSJ.



  2. The elevator does not go to the top floor:

    In a survey conducted on 13,975 people, 71 percent of the respondents said the 9/11 incident took place to provide the US with an opportunity to wage wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    So much for reason.



  3. "I will bring distress on mankind, so that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the LORD: their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung. Neither their SILVER nor their GOLD shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of hte LORD..." Zeph. 1: 17-18
