
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Satanic Plan Revealed

We have written in the past about the Mahdi, also referred to as the 12th Imam.  Millions of Muslims believe that the Mahdi will come in the last days and turn the entire world into peace, prosperity and the whole world will have one religion....Islam.

Now watch this video from a Mahdi website out of Turkey and see how the show weaves together OT verses that talk about the Millennium rule of Jesus Christ and attribute them to the time when Mahdi will rule the world.  They read from the OT and then they read from the Koran and the hadiths and weave them all together.

Also notice that they believe the Mahdi is already here on earth and that peace and prosperity are soon going to break out.

And remember what the Bible clearly says about the Antichrist....he will come pretending to be a man of peace and will oversee a peace agreement between Israel and it's Muslim neighbors.  He will probably even oversee the building of the 3rd Temple in Israel....BUT....3 1/2 years into this 7 year peace agreement, he will sit in the Temple and proclaim himself as God.  The following 3 1/2 years will be the worst violence and bloodshed that the world has ever seen.  Jesus himself said the if those days weren't cut short by the return of Christ, then NO FLESH would survive.

Watch this video here;

Remember also that Iran's president, Ahmadinejad, speaks of the Mahdi often and also believes he is here and that we are in the last days.

I sure hope someone in the U.S. government realizes what these folks are saying....because I seriously doubt many people in the churches across America have any idea how close we are to this Satanic trap being snapped.

Thank you Jesus that we will not be here to see this whole fiasco play out.  But we need to understand that the Age of Grace is quickly coming to a close.  Let's all run like a man who can see the finish line.


  1. Hi There,

    Iranian Parliament Dispatches Delegation to Vatican Tonight

    TEHRAN (FNA)- An Iranian parliamentary delegation, formed of four clergy MPs, will leave Tehran for a five-day visit to the Vatican tonight.

    So the Catholic Church is reaching out to the Muslims.

    At the same time the Catholic church is condemning Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

    That one world institutional religion that persecutes the evangelical church may be forming.



  2. A high-profile American senator has said that the United States should consider military action against
    Pakistan if Islamabad continues to sponsor militant attacks against US troops in Afghanistan.

    Thousands of Pakistanis have held an anti-US rally in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province,
    slamming the American government for what they called its intervention in Pakistan's internal affairs.

    So here is the sequence of events...

    First Afghanistan 145,000 in military
    Next Iraq 1/2 million military
    Then ??? Pakistan 1.4 million military, with existing nuclear capability
    Iran is chomping at the bit... Iran 3.8 million military, soon to have nuclear capability

    We might want to reconsider the direction we are headed in.


