Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Matter the Cost

 The conflict between Turkey and Israel continues to gain the players of Ezekie 38 continue coming online.

Now Erdogan is saying that Israel cannot dishonor Turkey and Turkey will stand matter the cost.

Those sound like fighting words.

Turkey expelled top Israeli diplomats last week, suspended all military deals and vowed to step up Turkish navy patrols in the eastern Mediterranean, angered over its former ally's refusal to apologize for the raid that killed eight Turks and one Turkish-American.         

Turkey also promised to lobby for support for the Palestinians' bid for state recognition at the United Nations and warned that more sanctions against Israel could follow. 

But Erdogan said Wednesday Turkey was determined to keep up its stance toward Israel at any cost.
"We don't care if it costs $15 million or $150 million," Erdogan said. "We will not allow anyone to walk all over our honor." 

See it here:

It's pretty funny that Turkey is also mad at Israel because Israel isn't delivering the military drones that Turkey wants.  Erdogan says that even though they aren't talking to Israel anymore that they still want their drones...and thinks that Israel should give them what they ordered.

Also remember that honor is the main thing within Islam.  It is more important that honesty or integrity.  Everything floats on when he says they will stand for their honor...he probably means it.


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