Monday, September 12, 2011

Rolling Stone and the Rapture

If you read my previous post you will see that the article posted came from the Rolling Stone website.  So once there reading that article I couldn't help but see another one.  Not surprisingly, this article was also making fun of the GOP and wondering aloud how any body could be so stupid as to be a person who subscribes to some what some GOP contenders are saying.

So of course they make fun of Michelle Bachmann who claims that God could be using earthquakes and storms to wake us all up.  Funny...that's what I believe too.

And they make fun of Ron Paul who wants to know since when did the U.S. Government define it's primary role as care taker of everybody?  Funny....that's what I'd like to know too.

And then they really hit a home run when they start talking about God snatching believers from the earth.

On the Biblical side, we’re going to hear the same worries about communist revolution, as well as dire predictions of natural disasters sent our way by an avenging Creator bent on punishing America for everything from gay marriage to Quantitative Easing.

The Christian candidates are also influenced by rapture theology. Both Bachmann (who once led a Rapture-ready “We are in the last days” prayer ) and Perry (who famously has a relationship with my old pal John Hagee Perhaps America’s most powerful Rapture/End Times preacher) have dabbled seriously in Left Behind belief systems, under which the righteous will be whisked away to heaven just before God comes down to earth to kick ass and dispense justice to unbelievers via End-of-World troubles like wars and natural disasters.

All of this helps explain why Republican rhetoric in this election season often coincides with eerie frequency with End-Times preachery. If you want to see what either of the two apocalypse-merchant wings of the Republican Party will be squawking about tomorrow, all you have to do is check to see what End Times fanatics are freaking out about today.

One of my favorite sites for this sort of thing is the news page of It’s all there: hurricanes, earthquakes, bailouts, concerns about disorder in the Middle East, global warming denial, etc.

Funny....I go to Rapture Ready on a regular basis to rub heads with other like minded people who believe that God will give us signs so that we can be watching for Christ to return and call us into the clouds before His Father pours out wrath (once again) on this wicked world....and these guys at Rolling Stone are making fun of anyone who believes that.  

Can you see how wide the divide has become?  On the one side you have a large group of voters believing that people are our only hope to solving the world's problems...and everyone just needs a little more cooperation so we can all sing the same song in love and we all drift down different rivers all leading to the same sea.

And on the other side you have a group of Bible believing (some strong, some moderate and some weak) voters who understand that the ONLY way to heal this country is if we humble ourselves and pray.  They believe that our help WILL NOT come from other fallen ideas given by man, but from submission to Jesus Christ who has paid for our sin.  Furthermore many of these same folks believe that Jesus will come and call us to meet him in the clouds...because 1 Thessalonians clearly says that is EXACTLY what will happen.

Now let's elect a democrat to the Senate who believes the former and a Republican who believes the later and put them in the same room and tell them not to come out til they have a solution for "fixing" the country.  Friends, they will be sitting there an awfully long matter how long the people outside keep yelling, "Just compromise and get this thing done to save our country!"  How can that be compromised when one group believes that running to God is the ONLY way we will be saved while the other group believes running from god is the ONLY way we can save this country?

Interesting dilemma.


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