Sunday, September 18, 2011

Strong Partner For Israel

This is good news for all of us in the USA within the "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" department.

Boehner says US must be strong partner for Israel

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker John Boehner says the U.S. commitment to Israel should be stronger now as the American ally faces challenges to its existence in the volatile Middle East.

In an address Sunday to the Jewish National Fund conference in Cincinnati, the Ohio Republican dismissed suggestions that Israel has isolated itself and he argued that the Jewish state stands above others as the "one true beacon of freedom and opportunity" in the region.

The U.S., he said, must stand by Israel's side "not just as a broker or observer — but as a strong partner and reliable ally."

See it here;

On the one hand you have President Obama as the most unpopular/unfriendly U.S. President to Israel since Israel became a nation....but on the other hand you have the top dog in Congress saying we need to stay strong for Israel.  So how might this blessing or curses thing work out for the U.S.?

I'm guessing it's all going to come down to actions speaking louder than words.  If the U.S. says that Israel is their best friend in the region but then goes on doing things that undermine her strength as a state and also seek to divide Jerusalem...then it would be safe to assume that curses are on the way.


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