
Friday, September 2, 2011

Turkey Expels Israel's Ambassador

Yesterday we wrote about how Turkey might implement Plan B if Israel didn't apologize for the flotilla incident.  Today it looks like Plan B has gone into action.

Turkey has expelled Israel's ambassador and suspended all military agreements over its refusal to apologise for last year's raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla.

This comes a day after a leaked UN report said Israeli commandos used excessive force when they boarded an aid ship. Nine Turkish activists died.

The Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said it was "time Israel pays a price for its illegal actions".

Israel has refused to apologise and said its troops acted in self-defence.

"Israel, like any other country, has a legitimate right to protect its citizens and soldiers," an Israeli government official told the BBC.

A copy of the UN report leaked to the New York Times says Israeli forces did use excessive force when they intercepted the Turkish-led flotilla trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza in May 2010.

But the report also concludes that Israel's naval blockade of Gaza is legal - a move that has angered Turkey.

See it here;

Of course we know where this is a day when Turkey will be one of the countries that seeks to destroy Israel and take her riches.

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