
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Turkey Talks of Plan B

Remember the Turkish flotilla where 9 Turks were killed when Israel boarded their ship that was attempting to break through a legal blockade?  The UN found that Israel acted legally and that the blame should lie with Turkey for the mishap.

Turkey doesn't care for the truth so instead is starting to threaten Israel that they better apologize or else Plan B will be coming.

NO!!!!  NOT THE DREADED PLAN B!!!!  Sorry...could not resist a little comic relief there.

With the oft-delayed UN Palmer Commission report on the Mavi Marmara incident due to be handed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Friday, Turkey's foreign minister warned that if Israel did not apologize for the incident by the time the report is released, Turkey will "put Plan B into play," Turkish Foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu was quoted as saying Thursday.

Plan B refers to a threat made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan last month saying that if Israel did not apologize, Turkey would further downgrade ties with Israel and aggressively oppose it in international forums. The Turks have also threatened to cut economic ties as part of a "Plan B."

Davutoglu, referring to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's recent proposal – shot down by the Turks – to postpone the release of the commission report for another six months, said, "We cannot accept a six month extension. The release date of the UN report is the last date for us. We will put Plan B into play if [there is] no apology."

Davutoglu's remarks were made in an interview with the Turkish newspapers Today's Zaman and Hurriyet.

Israel Radio quoted senior diplomatic sources as saying Thursday that Israel had decided that it would not apologize. A message to that effect was passed on to the Americans some two weeks ago.

See it here;

Those Muslim nations seem to be getting angrier every day at Israel.  How long can it go on before tension turns to turmoil?

Let's also remember to watch and see if Turkey, Russia and Libya all start drawing close as the weeks go by.

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