
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Unusual Storm Leads to More Extremes

Of course we have been noticing all the earthquakes as of late...a strange one happened in Texas today.

But have you been noticing the volcanic activity that appears to be rumbling as well?

Countless times over the last several months unusual storms have been occurring across the World and the United States. While no single storm can be placed on Climate Change or Global Warming, it is apparent that the overall climate on Earth is changing quite drastically. Stronger than average earthquakes are occurring literally every day and scores of volcanoes are stewing waiting to blow its top. Combine all this with a quieter than average sun with the occasional strong solar flare, the effects it is having on our local weather is astonishing. To say that I know what is going to happen would be incorrect but what I can confidently say is that extremes in weather will be quite common for the foreseeable future.

See it here;

All this crazy activity makes one wonder if the earth is rumbling because Israel is getting ready to rumble?

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