
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Green Light for Israeli Attack on Iran

We are pretty sure that Israel is not going to allow Iran to have a nuclear bomb....especially because Iran has already said how they would use it to wipe out Israel.  Israel WILL NOT sit around waiting to be destroyed as a nation.

So when are they going to DO something to stop Iran?

The day of doing something may be a lot closer than we know.

The Pentagon is watching for the possibility that Israel could use the occasion of an alleged Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States as a pretext for launching a long-anticipated attack on Iran's nuclear sites, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

The source, who is in a position to monitor Israeli defense activities, said the U.S. is watching "an indicator and warning matrix" in which the U.S. can "go so far as to plot the illumination tables to pick out what nights would be best" for such an attack.

The intelligence source said that there is "a green light" for the Israelis "to do a strike."

The source said that the concern among some U.S. analysts is that an attack could be "imminent."

See it here;

Holy Rumors of War!  That is a big one!  An imminent attack and the USA has given the green light??

If this thing's gonna be a big pop.  The world will have a cow!  Saudi Arabia will denounce the attack in the papers if it goes down but they will send them chocolates and roses the very next day.  The USA will say something about how the world needs to work for peace...but they will also be happy that Israel is finally going to do something the USA didn't have the nerve to do.

If you thought the world was already interesting....just wait and see how interesting it may soon get.

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