
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are Aliens Part of God's Plan Too?

This next article claims that if aliens do come to earth and make contact with us.....that Christianity would have a really hard time explaining what the role of Jesus would be for them.

ORLANDO, Fla. — The discovery of intelligent aliens would be mind-blowing in many respects, but it could present a special dilemma for the world's religions, theologians pondering interstellar travel concepts said Saturday (Oct. 1).

Christians, in particular, might take the news hardest, because the Christian belief system does not easily allow for other intelligent beings in the universe, Christian thinkers said at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, a meeting sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to discuss issues surrounding traveling to other stars.

In other words, "Did Jesus die for Klingons too?" as philosophy professor Christian Weidemannof Germany's Ruhr-University Bochum titled his talk at a panel on the philosophical and religious considerations of visiting other worlds.

"According to Christianity, an historic event some 2,000 years ago was supposed to save the whole of creation," Weidemann said. "You can grasp the conflict."

Here's how the debate goes: If the whole of creation includes 125 billion galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars in each, as astronomers think, then what if some of these stars have planets with advanced civilizations, too? Why would Jesus Christ have come to Earth, of all the inhabited planets in the universe, to save Earthlings and abandon the rest of God's creatures?

See it here;

Holy Star Trek!  Can you see how they are singling out Christians as the people with the fewest answers to explain the universe's really tough questions?  I'm guessing that when the rapture happens and the "powerful delusion" comes, there will be many people who say, "well, it's good they are gone...they were such backward, close minded and intolerant people....claiming they had the ONLY answer of Truth..."

2 Thessalonians tells us that immediately following the rapture we get this interesting passage, "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie".  2:11

What is "the lie"....could it be a lie that demons disguised as aliens actually bring to earth?

Who will believe the lie?....  The people who are perishing.

Who is perishing?....  Those people who heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ yet refused it.

If I was at the symposium I would have asked the group, "Do you guys believe in angels?  Do they fit the definition of "alien intelligent life"?  Do you believe that Satan is an angel?  How about the 1/3 of angels that fell into sin with him?  Do these fallen angels believe in Jesus Christ?  Did Jesus also die on the cross to forgive these fallen angels?  In the same way then, did Jesus Christ die for the sins of these aliens you so desperately believe in?  Isn't it possible that these aliens are actually just fallen angels set out to deceive all of us ignorant yet proud humans?

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