
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Turkish Warships Harass Israeli Freighters

It seems wars always start with words, then escalate to posturing, which escalates to pushing and shoving...and then someone fires the first bullet from someplace and the whole thing descends into chaos and war.

Turkey seems to have started the war of words and now it appears that both nations are posturing and poking at each other.  This could get serious really fast.

Turkish warships have been coming close to Israeli freighters in the waters off Cyprus and ordering them to change course, says a report in Israeli military analysis website citing military sources.

Since September 29th, the warships approach the freighters so closely they can establish wireless communication and warn them that they are in contravention of international law. Israeli F15 planes are circling near the sites of the incidents and observing, says the report.

There is also a Turkish corvette in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that is escorting Turkish seismic research ship K. Piri Reis. The ship is blatantly defying the government’s sovereign right to oil-and-gas exploration in its EEZ because it does not have permission from the Republic of Cyprus, the only internationally-recognised government on the island.

Analysts say that escalating tensions in the region have significantly increased the possibility of a major military incident.

Holy WWIII!!  We have Israel being surrounded on all sides!  The Muslims, for some Satanic reason, believe that Israel is weak and that her time of destruction must be about at they are pushing her around like a fat kid on the playground before all the anti-bullying legislation was passed.

Seriously, don't be surprised if this pushing and shoving continues right up until the rapture of the church happens.  We may see the Psalm 83 war but I am growing more convinced that we will not be on planet earth to see Ezekiel 38...and Turkey is a main player in that chapter of prophetic significance.

Seriously Lord...I know it will be in Your perfect timing....but how much longer??  Are we almost there??


  1. Hi Dennis,

    The after action assessment of the 5th intifada conference:

    High Turnout in Intifada Conference Unveils Growing Global Hatred for Israel.

    The Supreme Leader's opening comments at the conference were chilling.

    How much longer can this go on before it comes to blows???



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davutoglu threatened the western countries that if Syria comes under a NATO attack, it would set fire on the Middle-East, specially Israel.

    Someone might want to give him a heads up that he gets to play in the Psalm 83 war but is not mentioned in Ezekiel war. That AMOS 1:3 thing.


