
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Everyone Should Go Home!

The Mad-Man-From-Tehran is at it again with his comments regarding Israel and Jerusalem.

"The conflict between Israel and Palestine could be resolved if the Zionist occupiers of Palestine would return to their countries of origin, thus allowing Palestinian refugees to return to theirs," Ahmadinejad said on the sidelines of 5th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada in Tehran on Sunday.

The Iranian president said "the simplified version of the Leader's view about Palestine is that everyone should go home".

If "the backers of the Zionist regime want to solve the issue... the solution is simple ... e
veryone should go home."

See it here;

What is so comical/sad is that Iran and all the Arab states chased out hundred of thousands of Jews from their countries and made them refugees during the 1940's as Israeli statehood was approaching.  Would they let these Jews come back home to their countries??...OF COURSE NOT!!!  The Palestinian leadership has already said that if they are given a state there will be NO JEWS ALOUD!...but yet they will demand that Arabs be allowed into the Jewish state.  In fact they want to swamp the Jewish state with that the state of Israel will be remembered no more.

Also notice what he says about Jerusalem...and remember that Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible and NEVER MENTIONED EVEN ONCE in the Koran...yet Muslims have a supernatural desire to claim Jerusalem as their own.  Why?  Look no further than what God says, "-for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye-"  Zechariah 2:8  Also, "The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem."  Zechariah 2:12

So it is appears rather obvious that the Lord has put his stamp on Israel and it any wonder that Satanically-influenced Islam simply can't resist the desire to possess it?

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Just a peak at what is to come.

    Christians who fled Iran report threats from ‘the unknown soldiers of the hidden Imam’ even overseas.


