
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another Day Another Church Burned

Any hopes that Egypt's overthrow of the government would lead to peace, joy and love for all....seem to be yet another Christian church is burned.

Hundreds of Christian Copts protested outside the state television building on Tuesday after a church was burned in the southern Aswan district and demanded that the governor be sacked, the channel reported.

A church was burned down on Friday in Merinab village after Aswan provincial governor Mustafa al-Seyyed was reported as saying Copts had built it without the required planning permission, the television reported.

Sectarian clashes are frequent in Egypt where Copts, who make up 10 percent of the 80-million-strong population, have been the target of attacks and have repeatedly accused the authorities of systematic discrimination.

See it here;

80 million people in Egypt and only 10% are Christians.....Hmmmmm....I wonder if the other 72 million are Muslims who are intolerant of anyone who won't bow to Allah?  Just wondering??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Tehran, Oct 5, IRNA – Iranian peacekeeping forces are ready to be sent on different peacekeeping missions based on a request made by the United Nations, Commander of Army’s Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan said Wednesday.

    Do you think that they have their eyes fixed on the West Bank or Gaza?

    It just keep getting better.


