
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Ultimate Crime

Have you ever been to a militant Islamic website?  If you have, then you realize that the only chance we have to reform these folks is the power of the Holy Spirit.  Remember that if we battle flesh and blood....we may win the battle but will lose the war, because Ephesians tells us the battle is really a spiritual battle waged against Satan and his minions.

With that being said, check out what the Islamic website says about "shirk". 

Amongst mankind there are those that commit the most horrendous crimes and sins. Oppressing and doing transgression against themselves, others and/or society. But one crime that is overlooked by many, even though it is the worst crime that anyone can commit, is the crime of shirk. Shirk is to associate or redirect what belongs to Allah towards others, such as worship, obedience and submission. The severity of this crime can be understood if we put it into the perspective of who the crime or injustice is against. This is because even though crimes such as adultery, rape and murder are evil crimes they violate rights of others, whereas shirk is a crime against our creator, Allah. It is for this reason that shirk is the worst crime that anybody can commit as it directly infringes on the rights of Allah and challenges what Allah has set as our purpose of life, as mentioned;
“And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). “ [EMQ 51:56]

Can you understand why it is such a serious offense to many Muslims that Christians speak of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  To the Muslims following the website comments above...this is worse than raping a woman and then killing her.  No wonder these folks are so deluded.

With all this warning against the evil crime of shirk, still we see it has become an established reality of our societies; with the majority turning to other than Allah in worship, following and obedience; with the leaders of the world, whether in the Muslim or non-Muslim lands, establishing the rule of man rather than the rule of Allah, leading to oppression and tyranny being widespread and worst of all the punishment of Allah waiting in the hereafter. And unfortunately, many of the Muslims have been manipulated into accepting these ideas of shirk. And Allah (swt) speaks about those that claim to be believers:
“And most of them believe not in Allah without committing shirk.” [EMQ 12:106]

Uh oh!  Looks like we won't have much luck ushering in a democracy with these particular Muslims...since they don't believe in any laws except those that come from the Koran.

Check it all out here;

Satan has these folks all bound up...that's for sure.  The only way to unbind (loose) a stronghold is prayer.  So why don't we all include a little prayer against the suicide bombers who are strapping on explosives somewhere in the world this very hour.  Why don't we all pray that Jesus will continue to work through dreams and visions into these folks that they also can be snatched from the fire....JUST LIKE WE WERE!

Thank you Jesus for all you have done and all you are doing.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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