
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hidden Imam Persecutes Christians

Here is a very prophetic article that mentions the Hidden Imam (aka 12th Imam...aka Mahdi) and the persecution of Christians.

Iranians who fled their country after converting to Christianity have received death threats in their new homes overseas, according to the religious rights group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

At least eleven Iranian Christians reported receiving emails in September calling on them to “repent and ask forgiveness from the presence of the Hidden Imam,” and warning that if they failed to do so, “according to the Fatwa given by Mehdi… they must be killed.”

The email was sent by a group calling itself “the unknown soldiers of the hidden Imam.”

Christian leaders in Iran told CSW that they are taking the threat seriously. There is reason to believe the threats sent to Iranians overseas may be coming from a group linked to Iran’s security forces, they said said.

More than 130 Christ ians have been arrested by Iranian forces in less than a year, they reported, and a pastor in the country has been
sentenced to death for objecting to the teaching of Islam to Christians.

See it here;

If you haven't plugged into who the 12th Imam actually should.  Because many followers of Islam actually believe that he has arrived on earth and is getting ready to reveal himself and usher in a world wide Muslim Caliphate...which means he will rule the world with Shariah law.

Sounds like the dude has a lot in common with who the Bible refers to as the Antichrist.

1 comment:

  1. Great article from IRNA Today:

    Best world order theory is Perfect Human Being’s Governance


    “No Muslim can be indifferent about the future of the world, because Islam, as a perfect religion, is not limited to any geographical border.”

    Ahmadinejad reiterated, “Preparing the scheme of global governance and presenting it to the world (nations) must be regarded as our most important responsibility and mission.”

    I will summarize: Ok kids its time to take over the world for Islam. Yea Team!


