
Friday, October 7, 2011

Iran Gives Recipe for One World Government

If you have any doubts about what Iran's Ahmadinejad really shouldn't, because he is telling the world what his plan and ideas actually are.

President Ahmadinejad added, “No Muslim can be indifferent about the future of the world, because Islam, as a perfect religion, is not limited to any geographical border.”

Pointing out that Islam can only be fully implemented at global scale, Ahmadinejad added, “The human beings are created equals around the globe and the human societies around the globe influence each other, and these are two major reasons for the global nature of the human beings.”

The IRI President added that the unadulterated teachings of Islam, too, have global capacity, emphasizing, “The status quo of the world order toady is based on an oppressive mentality, which is on the verge of collapse, which is why planning for an alternative world order and presenting it to the world is necessary today.”

Ahmadinejad reiterated, “Preparing the scheme of global governance and presenting it to the world (nations) must be regarded as our most important responsibility and mission."

See it here;

Now imagine a guy like this getting control of a nuclear missile and believing he can use it as a tool to advance the mission of Allah. 

Is anybody listening!!  Or has a spirit of blindness infected most all people in The West?

Hat tip to Tom F.


  1. Next steps for the world government...

    TEHRAN (FNA)- A Syrian parliamentarian on Saturday asked Iran to start mediation between the Damascus government and the opposition groups.

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Islamabad on Monday to take part in a trilateral summit of the Iranian, Pakistani and Afghan heads of state

    Humm... Trilateral summit... Could these countries be the 3 brothers from Islamic Eschatology. They do comprise the nations of Ancient Koreshan.

    A possible complement to this could be found in Daniel 7's 3 horns??? What do you think.


