
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Here Comes the Unrest

We have been saying it for a while now....what you see happening in Greece will be coming for America.  The scenes coming out of Oakland, CA look eerily familiar to what is happening in Greece as the "Occupy Wall Street" protests seem to be gathering steam and attention.

OAKLAND, Calif. - The scene was calm but tense early Wednesday as a crowd of hundreds of protesters dwindled to just a few dozen at the site of several clashes between authorities and supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement a night earlier.

Police in riot gear stood watch only a few yards away from a group of stalwart demonstrators in the aftermath of skirmishes in front of City Hall that resulted in five volleys of tear gas from police, in blasts that seemed to intensify with each round, over a roughly three-hour stretch of evening scuffles.

The conflict began much earlier in the day when police dismantled an encampment of Occupy Wall Street protesters that had dominated a plaza across the street from the government building for more than two weeks.

Police fired tear gas and beanbag rounds, clearing out the makeshift city in less than an hour.

Hours after nightfall Tuesday evening, protesters had gathered at a downtown library and began marching toward City Hall in an attempt to re-establish a presence in the area of the disbanded camp.

They were met by police officers in riot gear. Several small skirmishes broke out and officers cleared the area by firing tear gas.

The scene repeated itself several times just a few blocks away in front of the plaza, where police set up behind metal barricades, preventing protesters from gaining access to the site.

Tensions would build as protesters edged ever closer to the police line and reach a breaking point with a demonstrator hurling a bottle or rock, prompting police to respond with another round of gas.

See it here;

At another place in the article they claim that 43% of Americans agree with the protesters.  Let's see....43% of 300,000,000 is 129,000,000.  That's quite a lot of people if they all decide to start showing up at cities around the nation demanding things. 

What are they mad at?  Let's make a list;  too many student loans, too high of gas prices, not enough taxes on other people besides them, angry at people who do have money, angry that the government won't give them more money to bail them out while giving $trillions to big corporate banks, angry over not doing enough to stop global warming, angry over our support of Israel, angry at the cost of food, angry about the minimum wage, angry about the U.S. military taking out other country's leaders, angry about not having free health insurance, angry about Social Security, and the list goes on.

Friends....that's a lot of angry people!  History shows that when you have half the population of a nation angry that it can certainly lead to civil war. 

If we continue on our path to split up Israel and give more land and Jerusalem to her enemies....I have a pretty good feeling that God will soon split up our country...and maybe a civil war would be just the thing to split us for good.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    More western liberal insanity.

    Muslims say crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights”

    I would expect this is the same accommodation that Christians at Muslims universities. Or not.


