
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clear the Way for Isaiah 17

A few days ago the United States called our ambassador to Syria home because the country is simply getting too dangerous.  President Assad has murdered thousands of protesters and yet the protests won't go away.  He has threatened to destroy Israel if NATO forces start bombing him out of hiding like they did in Libya, and Israel quickly sent him a message that if he launches one single bomb into Israel then Damascus will soon be obliterated.

Today as tensions continue to escalate between the USA and Syria, Syria has recalled its ambassador from Washington.

Tensions between Damascus and Washington are on the rise: Syria's ambassador to the United States has been recalled to Damascus, a spokesman for the Syrian embassy said on Monday, amid an escalating spat that has seen Washington call home its envoy to Syria.

"Ambassador Imad Moustapha is already recalled to Damascus for consultations," said a spokesperson for Syria's embassy in Washington. He did not reply to a reporter's question about when Moustapha was recalled.

The US decided to withdraw Ambassador Robert Ford from Syria over fears for his safety. The decision followed what DC officials called "a growing campaign of incitement against him being orchestrated by the regime."

US officials said there had been credible threats against Ford's life: "Ambassador Robert Ford was brought back to Washington as a result of credible threats against his personal safety in Syria," State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.

"At this point, we can't say when he will return to Syria. It will depend on our assessment of Syrian regime-led incitement and the security situation on the ground."

The Syrian government quickly ordered home its envoy to Washington, raising the diplomatic stakes. A Syrian Embassy spokesperson said that "no other steps were being taken by the embassy."

See it here;,7340,L-4138700,00.html

It certainly seems as if Damascus has jumped into the spotlight in the last few months appearing in numerous headlines on a daily basis as journalists watch the drama unfold there.  Will Assad fall?  Will he bomb Israel while he is falling?  If he does will Israel possibly use nuclear weapons to silence Damascus in a second and send a powerful message to all others who seek her destruction?

Make no mistake about it, DAMASCUS WILL BE DESTROYED...because the Bible says so.  Could the USA be pulling out it's citizens there because they know Israel has the missiles locked and loaded directly on Syria?

If this event happens before the rapture it will change the world as we know it in a split second.  If this event happens after the rapture then the world will still's just that we who are with the Lord will have better things to do than to really care about what is transpiring on planet earth.

Even so....come Lord Jesus.

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