
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rare Northern Lights

We have been blogging about the solar storms that are upon us and set to peak in 2012.  A few days ago a big explosion on the sun sent solar particles on a collision course with earth that caused a rare light show of Northern Lights that were visible way down south where they don't see such things.

A giant mass of plasma spat from the sun on Saturday morning hit the Earth Monday afternoon, causing an unusually colored light show that dazzled skywatchers.

Mother Nature's majesty was on display following a coronal mass ejection (CME) that hit the planet at approximately 2:00p.m. EDT on October 24, reported, a website dedicated to tracking solar wind, solar storms and other interstellar events.

The impact strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field, the site reported, exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma -- and sparking a dazzlingly intense geomagnetic storm
"Wow, wow, wow! These were the best Northern Lights I've seen since 2004," said Shawn Malone. The photographer told that the auroras he spied in Northern Michigan were the best in years
. reported aurora sightings stretching across the United States, from New Mexico and California to Kansas, Iowa, Maryland and New York.

The event reached the G1 level on NOAA's space weather scale for geomagnetic storms, the lowest level on a five point scale. When such storms reach G5 levels, NOAA warns to watch for problems with the electricity grid and problems with spacecraft and satellites.

Read more:

Did you see that warning at the end about G5 levels that can wreak problems on the electric grid?  Can you imagine a big solar storm knocking out all the power to Minneapolis and St Paul and suburbs for a few months?  What kind of chaos would happen then?  Do you believe everyone would just sit and calmly wait for the government aid to show up with hot sandwiches, soup and water?

Guess again.

Luke 21:11 KJV "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven"

Hat tip to Tom F.

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