
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Those Who Don't Know History

Of course we are all familiar with the quote, "Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it."  So how many people out there don't know who Adolf Hitler is?  Giving it a quick thought I would guess that about 90% of people on planet earth above the age of 16 would certainly know the answer to that.

I would be wrong.  Turns out lots of normal looking people walking around America in our colleges have no idea who he forget about them having any idea of the significance of 6 million Jews killed in the most heinous of ways.  And of course another 5 million gypsies, mentally disabled people and anyone else deemed not part of the perfect race Hitler was trying to create, were also brutally murdered.

When you have a few minutes I would strongly recommend watching this video by Ray Comfort as he asks people on the street who Adolf Hitler is and gets lots of folks answering that they have no idea.  When he finds some folks who do know who Hitler is then he asks them if it was wrong to kill like Hitler did.  He then moves those same folks into the question if they believe abortion to be wrong.

It's worth a watch;

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