
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vatican Calls for New World Economic Order

The prophet Daniel tells us that we should watch for the Antichrist to come from the people who destroyed the 2nd Temple in Israel....which most understand to be Rome.  The Bible also tells us that in the days of the Tribulation that there will be a one world financial system that will require the mark of the beast in order to use it.

With that as a backdrop, this next article is indeed prophetic.

The Vatican called Monday for radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.

The proposal acknowledges, however, that a "long road still needs to be traveled before arriving at the creation of a public authority with universal jurisdiction" and suggests the reform process begin with the United Nations as a point of reference.

Vatican pronouncements on the economy are meant to guide world leaders as well as the global church. United States Roman Catholic bishops, for example, have released a voter guide for the 2012 election that highlights social concerns such as ending poverty.

With words like "global church" and reference to their main goal being social programs....this sure seems to be a foreshadowing of what may be coming for this fallen world.

The Bible is clear that this world is passing away.  It's not going to get can only get worse.  So let's all be weary of a church claiming that their main goal is social programs rather than being to snatch people from the fires of hell.

Hat tip to Julie E.


  1. Hey Dennis,

    This was a great post thanks.

    I did some research. Here is the full text of the Vatican's statement from the Vatican Radio web site.

    On a similar note over 200 spiritual leaders, including Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, will attend a multi-faith meeting being hosted by Pope Benedict XVI on 27 October in Vatican to promote world peace.

    Do you think the new world economic order will be on the meeting agenda?



  2. Hi again,

    One other note from IRNA for your blog.

    Islamabad, Oct 26, IRNA – China is interested in setting up military bases either in Pakistani tribal region or the Northern areas which are closer to the Chinese province of Xinjiang, a report said on Wednesday.

    Kings of the east?


