
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

War is Coming to Israel

An article in Newsmax today is quoting President Reagan's assistant defense secretary....and it sounds like a pretty serious war is heading for Israel.

“I’m afraid there’s a war coming, a very serious, perhaps cataclysmic regional war,” he said. “It will be presumably over, at least in part, the future existence of the state of Israel. It may involve all of its neighbors, as they have in the past, attacking Israel to try, as they say, to drive the Jews into the sea.

“It may involve the use of nuclear weapons,” Gaffney predicted. “But whatever form it takes and whenever it occurs, it is unlikely to be contained to that region, and we must do everything we can to prevent freedom’s enemies from thinking they have an opportunity to engage in that kind of warfare.”

That means standing “absolutely, unmistakably” as one with Israel and doing everything to prevent Iran getting its hands on nuclear weapons.

“I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate Islamist party,” he said. “The challenge with Islamists is that they seek to impose what they call Sharia on everybody, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

“They may, as a matter of tactical expediency, choose to do so in incremental ways, often nonviolently, at least initially.

“The problem is that, because ultimately they must — according to Sharia, according to what they believe is God’s will — make everyone feel subdued in order to achieve their God-mandated direction, they will not remain moderate. They will not be satisfied with anything less than the ultimate supremacy of Sharia and they certainly will not resist the use of violence when it becomes expedient to get their way.”

See it here;

Wow!  Now here is a guy who is telling it like it is.  THERE ARE NO MODERATE ISLAMISTS!  Yes folks, there may be moderate Muslims who have embraced the western lifestyle, but if you are an Islamist, by definition your world view encompasses a total take over of the entire world to sharia law and forcing worship of Allah.

Currently their focus is on ridding the world of Israel and we are seeing this desire in the headlines coming from Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Gaza, Libya, Iraq, Turkey and every other Middle East country.  But understand that their focus is also on France, USA, Great Britain, Germany and the entire Western Civilization.

In the USA, we are mistaken in the belief that a democracy will always elect someone who is a caring humanitarian....but as we are seeing play out, what happens if the people use their votes to elect a religious Muslim whose number one goal is the destruction of Israel and The West?

Sadly, most Americans and our politicians are simply sound asleep to the threat that is coming.

Ezekiel saw this day coming and we can rest in the assurance that Israel will NEVER be wiped out as a nation and that the rapture of the church will most likely happen BEFORE the war of Ezekiel takes place.

When you see all these things begin to happen, then lift up your heads for you redemption is drawing close....says Jesus.

Can you feel it?  Is there an urgency and anticipation building in you?

Hat tip to Paul L.

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