Sunday, November 20, 2011

Enter Russia

It appears that Russia can smell blood in the water around Syria....and they are going to be there to make sure no one eats their fish.

Remember that Russia put HUGE money into a deep water naval port in Syria about 4 years they have an interest to protect....and they aren't going to let some stupid, Arab Spring rain on their military plans.

Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country's civil unrest.         


The fact that Syria has killed 3500 citizens is of no concern to Russia....let's remember that Mother Russia killed millions of it's own citizens in the past century.

Also Russia is in the news because they are condemning Israel for what they are calling "revenge" on the Palestinians.

Russia is worried with Israel’s plans to build new houses for Jews in East Jerusalem, which is populated mainly by Arabs.

The Israeli government is intending to hold tenders for building over 800 houses in East Jerusalem.

“Israel doesn’t even conceal that this step is sort of a punishment for Palestine’s joining the UNESCO and its attempts to join the UN,” a statement released by the Russian Foreign Ministry says.

Moscow believes that building Israeli houses on occupied Palestinian territories contradicts international laws and must be stopped.

Is it just me...or does it kind of make you laugh when you see Russia faking concern for some poor Arabs in Palestine?...and quoting things like "international law"?

I think it has more to do with the fact that Russia will one day put together a coalition of countries who will all agree to destroy Israel and take their stuff....and what we are seeing is just one step closer to that day.

Did we mention that Putin is going to be the Supreme Leader of Russia after the 2012 elections?  Do you think it possible that Putin will be Gog of Magog?  He sure looks the part.


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