
Friday, November 18, 2011

Hezbollah Preparing for War

Lebanon is on Israel's norther border.  If you read it's history you will discover that it used to be the "Paris of the Middle East" not so long ago.  That was before the Militant Muslims showed up and attempted to rid the nation of anything that wasn't "Muslim"...and of course try to get Shariah law into the land.  Civil wars have been the result.

Today the terrorist organization Hezbollah pretty much rules the roost.  They get their funding and marching orders from Iran and according to this article they are getting ready for war with Israel.

Hizbullah has canceled leaves and is preparing for war, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper As-Seyassah.

“Hizbullah cancelled the vacations of all its militants, summoned thousands of its members and gave orders to its prominent officials to remain unseen in case a war broke out,” the daily said.

It added that the terrorist army and political party put its combat units, including missile units, on extreme alert. The newspaper also reported that the IDF is aware of Hizbullah’s preparations and has increased reconnaissance flights over southern Lebanon.

Nasrallah last month threatened that Hizbullah missiles would strike metropolitan Tel Aviv in the next war, if and when it comes. He also said that ground forces would force their way into northern Israel for the first time since the War of Independence in 1948.

"The next war will be completely different," former Northern Command Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot, told UPI. "Hizbullah will be better prepared. So will we."


Did you guys catch the sentence that Hezbollah was cancelling the vacations of it's militants?  I never thought about that....but I guess even terrorists take vacations.

The rumors of a major war continue to build, and as the General said....this war WILL be different than the rest.

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