
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Print Some More

In our previous post, we asked who was out there who could save the European Union.  This next article claims that now the Germans are asking Britain to pony up to save the Euro....even though they aren't in the European Union.

And if that doesn't work....they are asking the European Central Bank to simply print the money if they can't raise it.

That ought to go well.

The German government believes Britain should be part of a Europe-wide tax on financial transactions, the proceeds of which could help prop up the single currency.

However, David Cameron and George Osborne have blocked the tax, with the Chancellor claiming it is a “bullet aimed at the heart of London”.
Ministers have instead called on the Germans to allow the European Central Bank (ECB) effectively to print money to rescue beleaguered economies.
The Prime Minister will travel to Berlin on Friday for what are expected to be tense negotiations with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, over the crisis.
A senior figure in the party headed by Mrs Merkel attacked Britain as relations between the two countries deteriorated in the wake of the single currency crisis.


Let's also remember that the UK is effectively broke not sure how they are going to ride into the rescue.  They recently mothballed their last aircraft carrier because they simply can't afford to float it any more.

Interesting how quickly the nations that curse Israel can come apart.

I wonder if this could happen in America too?

Also notice how it is said the the relationship between Germany and Britain is deteriorating.

Nation WILL rise against nation....that's a promise. 

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