
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alarming Speed

Today we are told that the European debt crisis is rolling across the continent at "alarming speed."

The European debt crisis is rolling across the continent at alarming speed, proving that almost no country is immune to the contagion unleashed by Greece and Italy as confidence in the region’s ability to reduce its debt loads evaporates.

Yields on the 10-year bonds of France, Belgium, Spain and Austria all soared to record euro zone highs on Tuesday in spite of fresh data showing that the German economy is still expanding and despite the tentative launch of caretaker governments in Rome and Athens with mandates for economic reform.

The mass selloff drove up the debt yields of countries that had been considered havens, including Finland and the Netherlands. “Global financial markets are facing a key pivotal point,” analysts at Barclays Capital said in a Tuesday research note. “A further escalation of the European debt crisis is putting at risk the nascent stabilization of global growth.”


Who can possibly solve this crisis of confidence as investors start wondering where they can keep their cash safe?  Will banks fail?  Will governments start defaulting?  How far will it spread?

Who knows??  What we do know is that unrest will grow if people start losing their life's savings.  Make no mistake....this WILL happen.  It has to happen in order to usher in the one-world financial system that the Antichrist so desperately wants.

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