
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Iran to Have Five Nukes by April 2012

Holy twenty twelve!!  How many things can we have being predicted for 2012??  Plus they all seem to be calamitous, like solar storms knocking out power grids, Mayan calendars ending, Maitreya is said to be returning, the Jewish electrician who had a near death experience in 1967 and was told by the "elders" while he was dead that a nuclear attack was coming for Israel in 2012, planetary alignments are said to be happening in 2012 that ONLY happen every 26,000 years and that could throw us off our alignment, the magnetic poles appear to be ready to switch north for south as early as 2012, and also don't forget planet Niabiru (also called planet x) which many are claiming will swoop into our solar system and drastically change things on earth.

Wow!  And I'm quite sure I forgot many more things being predicted for 2012....but let's throw in one more ominous headline for 2012 that is in the news today.

Iran will have five nukes by April 2012. Only 2-3 months left for military option 

According to the briefing given to a closed meeting of Jewish leaders in New York Sunday, Nov. 13, the window of opportunity for stopping Iran attaining a nuclear weapon is closing fast, debkafile's sources report. It will shut down altogether after late March 2012. The intelligence reaching US President Barak Obama is that by April, Iran will already have five nuclear bombs or warheads and military action then would generate a dangerous level of radioactive contamination across the Gulf region, the main source of the world's energy.

Sunday, too, President Barack Obama said the sanctions against Iran had taken an "enormous bite" out of its economy. He also said that the "US is united with Russian and Chinese leaders in ensuring Iran does not develop an atomic weapon and unleash an arms race across the Middle East."

The Jewish leaders meeting Sunday were informed that the Obama administration had intelligence data that the US and Israel have no more than a couple of months left for striking down Iran's military weapons development by force. This will not longer be viable after Iran is armed with five nuclear bombs or warheads.


Jesus asked folks how it was that they could look at the sky and understand it was going to rain or how they could look at the fig tree and proclaim what season it was but yet couldn't see what SPIRTUAL SEASON it was.  In the same way, how can anyone look at the news rumbling across our headlines multiple times per day and not understand that something BIG is about to happen....and many watchers believe the next BIG thing on the horizon is the rapture of the church.

And all God's people said....AMEN!

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