
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Election Distraction

This morning all the news shows have the video of the Herman Cain meltdown.  Before that it was the Rick Perry meltdown, before that the Bachmann meltdown and now the the lime light has shifted to Newt Gingrich,  and I'm sure his meltdown moment is soon coming.

And so it goes in the Republican nomination fight.

Friends, do we REALLY believe that a man is going to be able to stand up and save this country?  Yes, I agree that Obama has been worse than I thought he would be....but is there REALLY a Republican out there some place that is going to be able to come into power and wave his magic wand and fix all the unsustainable problems that we have?  The answer is, "no". 

Furthermore, I believe what we are witnessing is a huge distraction delivered by the Evil One.  I believe he wants the Bible believing church to get their hopes caught up in the idea that if ONLY we could defeat Obama, THEN we can turn the USA back on the right course.  And by believing this deception, we then take our eyes off the one true thing that DOES have the power to sustain this country.  Pastor Greg Laurie's devotion today sums it up well...

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

A lot of times, we Christians have more focus on who is in the White House than on what is happening in God's house.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God looked at a nation that was having problems and pointed His finger at His people. He said, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

It is not a political answer this country needs; it is a spiritual answer. And the only real answer is a spiritual awakening. A revival must hit America.

God says, "If My people. . . ." If we want to turn around a nation, then God's people need to live as they should. The first-century church turned their world upside down. And what do we know about them? We know they were a Bible-teaching, gospel-preaching, praying, obedient church. So the question arises, is that where we are today?

Sadly, I think the answer is no. In a time when we need to engage our culture with the one truth that has any hope of transforming it, many among us have turned away from the answer.

One pastor wrote a book questioning the biblical teaching on hell. Another pastor recently said that he thinks we should no longer use the terminology "saved" or "born again" in our preaching because our culture doesn't understand that. And a popular Christian blogger has questioned the whole idea of evangelism.

There has never been a time when it is more significant for us to warn people about the reality of hell and tell them they need to be saved and born again. And yes, we need to do it through evangelism.

AMEN PASTOR LAURIE!!  So let's all ask ourselves an honest question...are we spending more time  devoted to watching the Republican nomination play out than we are spending time on eternal things?  Are we spending more time sending around political emails than we are on snatching lost souls from the fire??  Are we loving our lost liberal neighbors or are we driving them away from The Truth of Christ by antagonizing them with "Hate Obama" rhetoric? 

Bottom line....are we DOING what the Master told us to do??

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