
Monday, November 14, 2011

The Tsunami of Diseases

Here in the United States we have an epic problem with obesity.  We have taken the blessing that the Lord gave us of ample food and we have turned it into gluttony...which the Bible mentions as a serious sin.

Of course we also realize that obesity is VERY expensive on our health care costs as a nation.  Obese people need more new knees, have more back problems and also suffer a high rate of diabetes.  Diabetes is a very expensive malady to have because it costs an enormous amount of money to treat.

With that as a backdrop, this news headline today simply adds to the unsustainable problems that this nation is facing.

Unless Americans quickly make dramatic changes in their lifestyles, half of the adult population will develop diabetes or prediabetes by 2020, according to a new prediction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If Americans don't put the brakes on their free-wheeling diets, the numbers of people with elevated blood sugar levels will skyrocket from 93.8 million (approximately 28 million with diabetes and an additional 66 million more with prediabetes) to 135 million in 2020. That will unleash a tsunami of disease that will wreak havoc, causing a flood of diabetes-related damage on the body including cardiovascular and kidney disease. And it's not just adults that are at risk.
In addition, diabetes is becoming one of the most common chronic diseases in children and adolescents. According to the American Diabetes Association, one in every four children is currently diagnosed with diabetes. Dr. Joel Zonszein, professor of clinical medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, believes that unless healthy lifestyle changes are made early in life, diabetes could become an epidemic of tsunami-like proportions.


Isn't it interesting how Satan perverts everything?  God says that sex is good and a blessing preserved for marriage....Satan explodes into into something filthy and addicts the nation to porn.

God blesses us with freedom from persecution....Satan comes along and makes us so apathetic and complacent that we seldom use our freedom to spread the Gospel.

God blesses us with ample food to sustain us so that we can complete our mission of spreading the Gospel....Satan strikes us with an epidemic of obesity that tears down our bodies and puts us out of balance because of a food addiction.

Isn't it interesting.....

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