
Monday, November 7, 2011

Iran and The Bomb

Last night I was priviledged enough to hear a prophecy speaker named Jimmy DeYoung who has lived in Israel for over 20 years and has a Christian broadcast ministry.

He told us that he heard it personally from Benjamin Netanyahu that when the Mossad (Israeli CIA) have conclusive evidence that Iran has a warhead in their possession that can be attached to a missile....then Netanyahu will send the bombers for a pre-emptive strike on Iran.

Today in the headlines we have this;

Iran will be able to build nuclear bomb within months, IAEA says

Iran has already acquired the knowledge, technology, and resources to create a nuclear bomb within months, according to Western experts who were briefed on the intelligence information due to be released in this week's report by the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency.  

Haaretz reported last week that other experts also estimated that Iran could assemble a nuclear bomb within months and carry out an underground nuclear experiment if it wishes to do so. The decision to assemble the weapon is effectively in the hands of Iranian leaders, with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei at the helm.  

New disclosures in the IAEA report provide details on an apparent secret research program that was more ambitious, more organized and more successful than commonly suspected, The Washington Post said.
The Post quoted David Albright, a former IAEA official who reviewed the agency's findings, as saying that based on the intelligence the UN agency has concluded that Iran "has sufficient information to design and produce a workable implosion nuclear device" using highly enriched uranium as its fissile core. 


So will we be surprised if one of these days we wake up to the news that Israel has launched a full scale attack on Iran?  Probably not.

An even better question though is;  will we be surprised if one of these days we wake up to the sound of a loud trumpet and a voice saying, "Come up here"....and we are transformed in the twinkling of an eye?                      

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