
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Satan, Islam and UFO's

I have posted about this in the past, but when a reader sent me a recent article on it I felt it was worth another post.

We know that Satan is the father of all lies.  He desperately doesn't want us to know the throws out so many lies from so many different venues that only a few with discerning minds will be able to cut through it all.

CHICAGO — The Nation of Islam, long known for its promotion of black nationalism and self-reliance, now is calling attention to another core belief that perhaps isn't so well-known: the existence of UFOs.

When thousands of followers gather in suburban Chicago this weekend for the group's annual Saviours' Day convention, one of the main events will include a panel of scientists discussing worldwide UFO sightings, which they claim are on the rise.

The idea of seeking the divine in the skies is deeply rooted in the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, whose late leader Elijah Muhammad detailed in speeches and writings a massive hovering object loaded with weapons he called "The Mother Plane" – although religion experts, Nation of Islam leaders and believers offer very different interpretations of what exactly happens aboard the plane, its role or how it fits into religious teachings.

It's one of the group's more misunderstood – and ridiculed – beliefs, something organizers took into account when planning the convention, which starts Friday and ends Sunday with Minister Louis Farrakhan's keynote address.

"There's enough evidence that has been put before the world and public," Ishmael Muhammad, the religion's national assistant minister, told The Associated Press. "There have been enough accounts and sightings and enough movies (documentaries) made, I don't think you would find too many people that would call it crazy."

During last year's Saviours' Day speech, Farrakhan for the first time in years discussed in detail a vision he had in Mexico in 1985 involving an object he calls "the wheel." Using charts, photos and drawings, he spent almost four hours describing how he was invited aboard and heard Elijah Muhammad speak to him. Farrakhan says that experience led him to inklings about future events.


One thing they do have right....the world has been prepared, with countless Hollywood movies, to believe that there are aliens traveling the universe who are getting ready to visit us.  We know that these apparitions are nothing more than demons, but the vast majority of the world won't see it that way.

Satan is the prince of this earth and also the prince of the powers of the air....that seems pretty clear to me that the Bible is warning us to NOT fall for this deception...even if they have power to call down fire from the sky.

Hat tip to James L.

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