
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Glimmer of Good News From Tunisia

The Arab Spring started in Tunisia when it overthrew its leadership.  So what kind of Islamic leadership is going to take over?  The Muslim Brotherhood or some other "Sharia or death" Islamist group?

If this article is correct, it looks like the new leadership is going to lead the people TOWARD democracy and away from Sharia law....which those of us who are non-Muslims may count as good news.

Tunisia's Islamist-led government has decided to focus on leading the people into democracy, rather than concentrating on religion in its constitution.

The planned changes to the constitution will effectively leave sharia and other Islamic concepts out of the final text.

There had been fears the moderate Islamist party, that won 41.7 percent of Tunisia's first free election on Oct. 23, may have tried to impose sharia religious law on what has been a secular Muslim country.

But the only reference to religion will come in the first line of the constitution. It will read: Tunisia's language is Arabic and its religion is Islam.


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